UGH / Gold plan = one price?

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UGH / Gold plan = one price?

Post by Longbeard »

Hello every one, not sure how much of an idea it is but to give every one some background here is what i like,
Gold Plan + Upper Guild hall access.
Currently I have both, i have subscribed as a thank you for the recent great promotions that Brad did, Homecoming, several new servers, so on, great effort, really.
However the way i usually do it is as follows: I subscribe for whatever plan that i like then cancel it right after, it in effect prevents it from renewing and becomes 1 month subscription.
Recently Brad gave 12 gold plan month complimentary bonuses, which i never had, and it made me think that i would like to keep all the extra HP.

To the idea it's self,

I would make the Gold Plan go to my CC regardless if i play or not if it included the account wide access to UGH.
I would surely spend $10 every month to support KOD if it had the value that i enjoy
Gold Plan and UGH for whole subscribing arrount.

I understand it is haggling and no one should do anything about these things,
Just an attempt to add value to recent promotions, to make people enjoy them more!


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