What is a Healer?

Place to discuss Healers
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What is a Healer?

Post by Mars »

Healers are skilled in the use of both weapons and psionics. Although they rely primarily on psionics, Healers should also be adept with weapons. A Healer uses more psionic energy to form an offensive psionic discipline than a Mentalist uses, so when Healers are in heavy combat, they might deplete their psionic energy and have to fall back on physical combat.
Healers need particular abilities to survive in the kingdom. They must have sufficient wisdom to form psionic disciplines and sufficient strength to wield weapons. Wisdom also determines how much psionic energy Healers initially possess and how many psionic energy points they gain at each experience level.

Healers use some of the same disciplines as Mentalists and have some disciplines of their own. Healers have the special ability to use the Heal discipline to heal damage to themselves and others. A good Healer is always aware of the health of others and is willing to lay a healing hand upon the wounded. Healers who attain the healing skill level of Healer can restore life to a corpse using the CritCure discipline.
