wierd quirk bug, need help locating it

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wierd quirk bug, need help locating it

Post by Brad »

There is an odd bug, where you get quirks in a certain category ( common one seems to be innate energy ). They seem to spontaneously show up, but i'm sure something triggers it.

The thing is, they register game wise, but arent there as "earned" quirks (IE if a quirk reset happened they dont show back up in your "free" quirk category)

If you find yourself + quirks in a specific category, please let me know ASAP, and let me know what you were doing/happened before hand. IE.. had you phone slammed, gone LD, killed a big bad lair crit, etc.


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Replying to Topic 'wierd quirk bug, need help locating it'

Post by Eej »

I have had some quirks show up free ,i have 7/10 in energy regain ,also some melee quirks namely enhanced damaged 5/5 .as far as I recall i was firebreathing in arun secret when i noticed my energy regain jump from 30 to 37 ..this may have happened earlier ..i think i did slam before this happened

Posts: 1572
Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2002 11:46 am

Replying to Topic 'wierd quirk bug, need help locating it'

Post by Brad »

Thanks for the great feedback on this guys. Please keep the bug reports coming. Specifically, im looking for commonalities on when it happened. IE did you just start getting quirks for the first time? had you just changed scenarios? had you just logged in? had you just bought a quirk? etc.

Thanks, keep the emails coming


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