Proximity Slicer

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Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 6:38 pm

Proximity Slicer

Post by Virag »

Hi Brad,

First, I'd just like to ask if we are supposed to be posting here what we've found about the quirks as we use them to make sure they are working as intended? Until you tell me otherwise that's what I'll be doing.

What I've found this quirk to do: gives you a small chance to BS an additional target. (exactly as it reads) I was unable to have it hit more than 1 additional target. I was unable to have it hit a player whether he was red tagged or gray tagged.
my questions are:

1) Is it intended to only hit one additional target, or eventually more than one?
2) Is it supposed to only hit red tagged enemies or also players (red tagged, or not)

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