Big trouble in S-1

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Big trouble in S-1

Post by Dedbob »

Went into S-1, smacking seldaris around, picking up steel bows and filling sack with
gems and coin. Didnt bring IV, (dumb idea) assassins came around.. I would just walk out
of the dark and ditch the assassin around a corner then continue on.

Went on fine like this for some time, then I enter the secret area.. run around a bit,
smacking more seldaris.. then dark. I walk out of it, but stacked too many walks and hit a wall.
Fumble.. darkness. Look down, I see my hally.. but before I can grab it, STUN! I have dancers on..
Cant see where im dancing to, stun wears off.. look down, no hally. I run around a bit smacking into walls untill I get out of the dark. I recognize the area in relation to where I fumbled,
calculate the paces, step back into dark.. look down, no hally. Take another step, and STUN! More dancing around in the dark. Low on health, getting hacked at.. hit ih, stun wears off, I drink and survive. More running around in dark.. but I dont make it out this time, another cstun. More dancing.. another ih gulped. Still dark, still getting chopped at. Make it out of the dark again..
Orient myself, and retrace steps. Look, heres hally.. click on it and before I can drag it to my hand, STUN! danced around again, in the dark. Health getting dangerously low.. hit ih, stun goes off.. drank ih then STUN! More dancing.. getting chopped on.. getting bad hits by blades and more than one assassin.. then AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Death.

Got somone to go get the hally back for me. :p

That kinda sucked..

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