Levels meaning something

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Levels meaning something

Post by evilfear »

After long hours growing to 85 I've come to the assumption levels have lost their meaning except for gear requirements. The difference in levels 80-85 being just a couple hundred health if at that, and still doing the same if not a little more damage since lvl 55. My idea is for those levels to scale up players health and damage at each level starting from 80. My idea is to scale 3k damage and 500 health per lvl for melee and psi . Especially since a lvl 78 not even, can do way more than damage than an 85.

Level 85 being the milestone I think it should grant immunity to primal stuns which plague everyone; including barbs who used to be immune to stuns and paladins that used to have a high tolerance to stuns in the past. With lairs and mobs having ample health , I do not think it would hurt to scale those levels.
Evilfear a paladin. I once parried when I should have healed.

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